Atmospheric studies
Towards controlling
the air pollution in southeastern Europe.
At the present time the monitoring
of atmospheric pollution across Europe is of increasing importance.
There is a need to identify the dominant mechanisms responsible for
pollutant uplift and long-range transport out of Europe and the altitude
at which polluted air masses travel. To obtain a wide picture of air
quality over Europe it is essential to collect more information from
the southeastern region of Europe. The primary focus of the project
is to develop a network of environmental monitoring stations in southeastern
Europe in order to integrate point measurements into a European complex.
There are several observing points, which can operate as environmental
monitoring stations or a network: in Ukraine: - Golosiiv by
Kiev,- two observational points in the Crimea,- Zmiiny island
on the Black Sea;in Russia:- Terskol Peak in the Northern Caucasus.This
network can be extended in the nearest years. Technical staffs
and some instruments are available at these sites. |
We attach importance to the installation
of a monitoring station on Terskol Peak. This has some advantages,
namely: 1) high-altitude position (3100 m about the sea level);
2) availability of optical telescopes to control the atmosphere
by astronomical techniques; 3) availability of a meteorological
The network can be used for many research studies, including
a quantitative evaluation of trends in ozone, oxidant and precursors
as well as investigation of the mechanisms of stratospheric-tropospheric
exchange of ozone.
(M.Sosonkin, A.Shavrina, V.Godunova) Summer 2003

Telescopes Instrumentation |
Activities80-cm Telescope |
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